Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back on-island

What a fantastic trip to Maine, and what a fantastic waste of time public transportation is. It takes over nine hours to get from Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts to Orono, Maine. A walk or bus ride to the ferry, a ferry trip, a bus ride to Boston, an exhausting bus ride to Maine. I will be twisting any arms I can to get a ride to Maine next time, when I'm in an independent film called "The Kings," which'll play in the Maine International Film Festival on July 18. Spent my entire summer last year acting and helping out the director -- I can't wait for the payoff. Check out the trailer below.

So the entire visit to Maine was wonderful -- I tend to feel closer to home than ever when I'm farthest away, and it's gratifying to have a taste of what you miss so much, especially after five weeks. And to have a taste of multiple cookouts. Yum. And to be able to see some house cats again. Meow.

With Mary on the Two-Cent Bridge in Waterville. Finally got to show m'lady m'stompin' grounds of olde.

Now I'm back on the island, ready to find some new freelance, keep rocking at the newspaper, and start making plans for the fall -- and for visitors this summer. It's a sticky situation working so many jobs and trying to have guests, but if you want to visit, we can work it out.

I know the graph is super small. Click it for a deeper understanding of the complexity of this issue.

Went out with four of the other This Week on Martha's Vineyard interns last night. Bad: All draft beers at Danny Quinn's Irish Pub are $6 -- except Guinness, y'know, the traditional Irish pint? That one's $7. Good: Danny Quinn busted out Irish tunes all night. Below is a vid of him playing somewhere else and looking considerably different and more like a chubby, Irish John Denvery than he currently does, but you can see his solid chops and his Irish cadence.

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